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OncoSupport featured in Practice Update Expert Opinion for Cardiologists, Oncologists and OncoCardiologists

OncoCardiology is a relatively new and rapidly growing hybrid subspecialty of medicine.  Major factors driving its growth are the increasing number of patients today who survive both cancer and heart disease and the serious cardiac toxicity caused by some of the drugs used to treat cancer.  Drs. C. William (Will) PU Logo.jpegHeise and Raymond Woosley (members of the AZCERT Scientific Advisory Committee) recently published an “Expert Opinion” in the electronic journal Practice Update that is read by thousands of oncologists, cardiologists and oncocardiologists.  The article describes AZCERT's OncoSupport™, a resource for healthcare practitioners that is maintained on the CredibleMeds website.  OncoSupport is a continually updated list of the medications most likely to be prescribed for cancer patients and includes each medication’s QTdrugs risk category for torsades de pointes (TdP).  In addition to the drugs used it treat cancer, OncoSupport also lists the antidepressants, anti-nausea drugs and anesthetic agents that have TdP risk and are likely to be taken by cancer patients.  By clicking on a drug name, information critical to the drug’s safe use can be displayed.

The article in Practice Update can be found here and the OncoSupport resource is available here.  We hope OncoSupport will be a valuable resource for healthcare professionals and patients.

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Heise C., Woosley RL A commentary on: OncoSupport for Oncocardiology Prescribing. PracticeUpdate website. Available at: https://bit.ly/PU_Onco. Accessed September 20, 2021

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