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prov.pngWarfarin Educational Tools


Warfarin (also known as Coumadin® and Jantovan®) is a widely-prescribed medicine that can save lives by preventing blood clots. Warfarin must be taken correctly, as instructed by a doctor, nurse, or pharmacist, to avoid serious problems such as bleeding. Also, warfarin interacts with many other medicines and foods. Some interactions can be dangerous, and possibly fatal. Patients need to understand and follow instructions for taking this medicine safely. Patients also should make a list of all their medicines to show to their doctor, nurse, and pharmacist. For these reasons, we encourage warfarin patients to use the following materials, always with the guidance of their healthcare professionals. These tools have been reviewed by a panel of national experts on warfarin patient education.

Haga click aquí para la versión de estos documentos en español.


download.pngResources for Patients

 My Medicine List: an 8½ x 11" form showing all current prescriptions, over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements for patients to complete, carry with them at all times, and show to their doctors and pharmacists.

My Medicine List-wallet size: a smaller medicine list form that can be folded to wallet card size.

Questions and Answers About Taking Warfarin: a list of important, frequently-asked questions about warfarin. It can be printed on one double-sided sheet.

INR Results Chart for Anticoagulation Patients (NOT for heart valve patients): a convenient chart for patients to keep track of their INR blood test results over time and see if they are staying within their goal range.

INR Results Chart for Heart Valve Patients: the same chart as above, with a different goal range for patients with heart valve replacements.

Medical Alert ID Card: a wallet-size card for warfarin patients to carry with them at all times in case of emergency

En español:

Mis Medicamentos: una lista que muestra todas las medicinas recetadas actualmente, medicamentos de venta libre y suplementos dietéticos; que los pacientes deben completar, llevar consigo en todo momento, y mostrar a sus médicos y farmacéuticos.

Preguntas y Respuestas Acerca de Warfarina: una lista de importantes, preguntas frecuentes acerca de la warfarina.

Gráfica de INR (NO es para pacientes con reemplazo de válvulas cardiacas): una tabla para que los pacientes realicen un seguimiento de los resultados de sus pruebas de INR en sangre a lo largo del tratamiento, para observar si permanecen dentro de su rango ideal.

Gráfica de INR de los pacientes de válvula del corazón: una gráfica igual a la anterior, con un rango ideal diferente, para pacientes con reemplazo de válvulas cardiacas.

Tarjeta de identificación para alertas médicas: una tarjeta tamaño billetera o cartera para que los pacientes de warfarina la lleven consigo en todo momento en caso de emergencia.


ref.pngLinks to Other Information about Taking Warfarin:

Blood Thinner Pills: Your Guide to Using Them Safely: A large-format booklet for patients from the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality that explains what to expect and what to watch out for during therapy.

Su guía para la terapia con Coumadin®/warfarina : The above booklet in Spanish: Una cartilla para pacientes, desarrollada por la Agencia para Investigación en salud y calidad, del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos. Esta cartilla explica los cuidados y expectativas del tratamiento con warfarina.

A Patient's Guide to Taking Coumadin/Warfarin : Patient information about warfarin from the medical journal, Circulation (2009), published by the American Heart Association.

www.mybloodthinner.org: A site to help patients, caregivers, and health care providers manage blood thinners more safely. Launched in May 2006, this site is a project of SOS Rx, a medication safety coalition convened by the National Consumers League (www.nclnet.org).

Medline Plus: Bloodthinners: MedlinePlus is an excellent source of authoritative and up-to-date health information from the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.
