A Trusted Partner Providing
Reliable Information on Medicines

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AZCERT values and respects the trust so many have placed in CredibleMeds.org and MedSafetyScan.org.  We always seek your advice on how AZCERT can better fulfil its mission to improve the safe use of medicines.

Numerous CredibleMeds visitors have told us how much they value the QTdrugs List as a tool to find which medications they and their care providers might wish to avoid because of QT prolongation.  Also, many have asked for help identifying medications that they and their care providers might want to consider as therapeutic options for a specific illness because the medicines are not on the QTdrugs List.

Due to the generous support of our many donors and the Dr. Scholl Foundation, AZCERT is able to proudly launch a new resource on the CredibleMeds website (Therapeutic Options :: Crediblemeds), Therapeutic Options not on the QTdrugs List.  This table can be searched for medicines that are used for any of 46 medical conditions to identify those drugs that are either “On the QTdrugs List” or those “Not on the QTdrugs List.” 

It is important to note that the Therapeutic Options Table includes a disclaimer to inform all potential users that this information should not be considered as personal medical advice but only as a starting point for the user and their prescribers to use when considering therapeutic options for any of the listed medical conditions.

AZCERT hopes that you find this new resource to be of value and we seek your feedback on how it can best meet your needs.

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